Saturday, July 28, 2012

Innocence; Fun with Numismatics

More Fun in Numismatics

Great Work from

Even More Fun


Geico Caveman pictures
Geico Caveman
  GEICO--So easy even a GERMAN Caveman can do it. (No offense intended).
Obama Five Dollar Bill
Obama Five Dollar Bill pictures
Bernanke pictures
George Washington and Tom Cruise
George Washington and Tom Cruise  pictures
  George Washington and Tom Cruise
The Most Interesting Man in the World
The Most Interesting Man in the World pictures
  I don't always drink beer but when I do, I look like President Grant and always have two hotties at my side...Stay Thirsty my friends
Gandalf pictures
Charlot pictures
Oprah Money
Oprah Money pictures
Idi Amin
Idi Amin  pictures
  a 500 Leone note from Sierra Leone
Dollar Bill
Dollar Bill pictures

Malkovich pictures
Benjamin Gallagher
Benjamin Gallagher pictures
Dr. King Top to Bottom
Dr. King Top to Bottom pictures
  This is the top and bottom of the picture on the Kenyan 10 Shilling note.
Number Two
Number Two pictures
  Vice President Joe Biden shares a two dollar bill with President Jefferson.
My Queen
My Queen pictures
  Million Dollar Baby
Cher Real
Cher Real pictures
  Brazilian money
Prince Eddie of Guinea-Zamunda
Prince Eddie of Guinea-Zamunda pictures
  I know this isn't quite the idea, but I couldn't resist ...
Downey Jr
Downey Jr pictures
Mount Rushmore
Mount Rushmore pictures
First Lady Barbra Bush Washington
First Lady Barbra Bush Washington pictures
  See, I told you she really does!
Next stop??? pictures
Next stop???
  Daniel Day Lewis did such a nice job in the movie, is this going to happen on the new five spot?
John McCain + Canadian Banknote pictures
John McCain + Canadian Banknote
  Please see full size.
Bobby Kennedy + New Zealand Banknote
Bobby Kennedy + New Zealand Banknote pictures
Obama + Lincoln Banknote
Obama + Lincoln Banknote pictures
  Illinois leaders
Heath Ledger + $10 Banknote
Heath Ledger + $10 Banknote pictures
  How to create your very own counterfeit Heath Ledger bill. 
Donald Trump + $2 Banknote
Donald Trump + $2 Banknote pictures
Anthony Hopkins + $50 Banknote
Anthony Hopkins + $50 Banknote pictures
  US Grant meets Sir Anthony Hopkins.
Hillary Clinton + Australian Banknote
Hillary Clinton + Australian Banknote pictures
Mel Gibson + $50 Banknote
Mel Gibson + $50 Banknote pictures
  Money is the cause of all the wars in the world.
Morgan Freeman Money
Morgan Freeman Money pictures
Charlton Heston + $5 Banknote
Charlton Heston + $5 Banknote pictures

Rosie O'Donnell + $100 Banknote pictures
Rosie O`Donnell + $100 Banknote
  100 Rosies
Charlize Theron + Norway Banknote
Charlize Theron + Norway Banknote pictures
  Peek a boo
Conan O`Brien + 20 Pounds
Conan O'Brien + 20 Pounds pictures
Lindsay Lohan + $50 Banknote
Lindsay Lohan + $50 Banknote pictures
Samuel L. Jackson Money
Samuel L. Jackson Money pictures
Will Ferrell + 20 Dollar Banknote
Will Ferrell + 20 Dollar Banknote pictures
  will ferrell elf movie source
Bruce Willis Money
Bruce Willis Money pictures
Al Pacino Money
Al Pacino Money pictures
Mini Me Money
Mini Me Money pictures
Kevin Spacey Money
Kevin Spacey Money pictures

Bing Crosby Money pictures
Bing Crosby Money
Woody Allen Banknote
Woody Allen Banknote pictures
Brad Pitt Money
Brad Pitt Money pictures
Tom Cruise Money
Tom Cruise Money pictures
Queen Banknote
Queen Banknote pictures
  I always think of Freddie Mercury first when I hear the word queen.
Rembrandt's riches pictures
Rembrandt's riches
  1 dollar bill/ 2000 Belgium Franks
Rembrandt's 1632 painting, The Anatomy Lesson of Dr Nicolaes Tulp
Money Family
Money Family  pictures
  Swedish 500 Kronar, American $5.00 and Canadian $1.00 with Sofonisba Anguissola's 'Portrait of the Artist's Sisters and Brother'.
Leighton_Biondina and Bank Note
Leighton_Biondina and Bank Note pictures
Napolean and Chilean Banknote
Napolean and Chilean Banknote pictures
yep its still remmy
yep its still remmy pictures
  had to..
US100 Raphael Cherubs
US100 Raphael Cherubs pictures
US1-US100 Sphinx-Pyramid
US1-US100    Sphinx-Pyramid pictures
  Sketch of The Greatest Art in the World
Fifty Dollar Bill and Painting
Fifty Dollar Bill and Painting pictures
  Fifty Dollar Bill and Painting, not quite sure who's painting it is...
20/20 WARHOL ELVIS's pictures
David $100USA
David $100USA pictures

Rembrandt with Canadian Five pictures
Rembrandt with Canadian Five
Grant and a Fifty bill
Grant and a Fifty bill pictures
  Grant and a Fifty bill, looks like a perfect fit, I wonder why?
Marat Money
Marat Money pictures
  Jacques-Louis David's "Death of Marat" with a Kazakhstani bill.
Ten Dollar Renoir
Ten Dollar Renoir pictures
  Pierre Auguste Renoir's self portrait featuring the Australian 10 dollar bill.
Bank Note and Painting
Bank Note and Painting pictures
Goya $100
Goya $100 pictures
Queen Elizabeth of Urbino
Queen Elizabeth of Urbino pictures
  Queen Elizabeth from a Canadian two dollar bill with Venus of Urbino by Titian
10K Jesus
10K Jesus pictures
Vet Memorial
Vet Memorial pictures
  Series 1934 U.S. 100,000 dollar bill featuring Woodrow Wilson.
Vietnam Veterans Memorial Statue in Washington D.C.
Note and Painting
Note and Painting pictures

A Dong on a Cliche pictures
A Dong on a Cliche
  I know we are all sick of this painting but The Vietnamese banknote ( A Dong )fit so it got chopped again!
Pablo Picasso and a ten pound note
Pablo Picasso and a ten pound note pictures
Picasso $50
Picasso $50 pictures
  Picasso Self Portrait and American $50
5 dollar Venus
5 dollar Venus pictures
Andrew Jackson and Abe Lincoln
Andrew Jackson and Abe Lincoln pictures
Degas Five
Degas Five pictures
  Degas Self Portrait and $5 American
DaVinci Painting and Croatian Note
DaVinci Painting and Croatian Note pictures
looking peaky
looking peaky pictures
  German Mark
Israeli Albert Einstein Banknote pictures
Israeli Albert Einstein Banknote
  Albert and his dog Albert
Gorilla Money
Gorilla Money pictures
  American $100
Tiger Money
Tiger Money pictures
  Hungary's currency.
20 dollar chimp
20 dollar chimp pictures
Twenty LIzard
Twenty LIzard pictures
  Poland's currency.
$50AU - Koala
$50AU - Koala pictures
Kazakhstan dog
Kazakhstan dog pictures
20 Yuan Chinese Pug - Version 2
20 Yuan Chinese Pug - Version 2 pictures
A Man and His Abe
A Man and His Abe pictures
  There is nothing more meaningful than the love between a man and his mythical creature. USED: US $5 bill.
Italian 500.000 lire cocker
Italian 500.000 lire cocker pictures
  Italian 500.000 lire + dog
Camel Cash Puppy pictures
Camel Cash Puppy
  Aren't cigarettes a form of currency in prison?
Disney Dollar Minnie Rat
Disney Dollar Minnie Rat pictures
Monkey Money
Monkey Money pictures
  Germany's currency.
U.S. Twenty Tiger
U.S. Twenty Tiger pictures
  Twenty the tiger. they're gggrrreat!
U.S. Twenty Gorilla
U.S. Twenty Gorilla pictures
Lt Commander Warf
Lt Commander Warf pictures
Doggie Money
Doggie Money pictures
  Doggie 10
Double trouble
Double trouble pictures
Doggie Bill
Doggie Bill pictures
  Kinda reminds of Snoopy
Disney Dollar Goofy Dog
Disney Dollar Goofy Dog pictures

Horse Face Bill pictures
Horse Face Bill
Monkey around
Monkey around pictures
20 dollar chimp
20 dollar chimp pictures
Horse Money
Horse Money pictures
  (50 Swedish Kronor)
The Spineless Dollar Bill
The Spineless Dollar Bill pictures
Goat Bill
Goat Bill pictures
A Piggie Bill
A Piggie Bill pictures
  Piggie Money Bill
Two 2 Dollar Tigers
Two 2 Dollar Tigers pictures
One Queen Pooch Dollar
One Queen Pooch Dollar pictures

20 Yuan Chinese Pug - Version 1 pictures
20 Yuan Chinese Pug - Version 1
The 10 Peso Ostrich of Argentina
The 10 Peso Ostrich of Argentina pictures
Beliz 2 Dollar with US 5 dollar shirt
Beliz 2 Dollar with US 5 dollar shirt pictures
C-NOTE FISH pictures
Angry bat
Angry bat pictures
US $100 Bill at the zoo
US $100 Bill at the zoo pictures
  I've purposely blurred the background (monkey) so as to mimic the auto-zoom of the camera focusing on the foreground. Also added the 'folded' appearance to the bill.

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